
Hydro-RDI-Network aims to serve as the first Finnish competence center of the water sector.

Hydro-RDI-Network is a consortium of research organisations and companies jointly taking an action to boost RDI activities related to hydrology. It is established to support and promote the networking of higher education institutions, government research institutes and the business sector in order to boost the societal impact of high-quality research in Finland.

It receives Special funding for RDI partnership networks from Academy of Finland 2020-2022. Coordinating partners are University of Turku/Department of Geography and Geology, Finnish Environment Institute, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) in the National Land Survey of Finland, University of Eastern Finland, and University of Oulu.

The aim is to improve and implement river and catchment measurement, as well as mapping and modelling approaches developed in previous research projects by applying a wide variety of methods in development of service packages in relation to flood risk, dam safety, river habitats, water quality and sustainable river management.

We are….

  • engaging the private sector in identifying relevant collaboration and business opportunities, and in framing future possibilities to find sustainable ways to accommodate future stressors towards water courses and foreseen climate change.
  • analyzing the water and environmental impacts and opportunities nationally by utilizing the latest scientific tools, approaches and technological advances jointly in close collaboration with the private sector.
  • providing a consortium reaching out to serve different national stakeholders by supporting an understanding of riverine and catchment processes, river restoration impacts and flood risk management, their enhanced uses and future development including blue bioeconomy.
  • developing new working methods and other transfers of knowledge in order to establish a basis for future collaboration. This increases the qualifications of academia and Finnish companies for the international call for tenders and identifying eligible international call for tenders in the water sector.
  • offering new technologies to resolve problems arising from human impacts on hydrological systems.
  • drawing on existing research excellence across Europe and providing access to a range of Finnish hydrological systems, facilities and expertise.


The Hydro-RDI-Network offers

  1. state-of-the-art technologies for river and catchment monitoring
  2. smart observation and analytical technologies developed jointly with SMEs
  3. water quality and state-of-the-art technologies for river and catchment monitoring
  4. the national reference laboratory in the environmental field under the Environmental Protection Act for water quality measurement