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Call: Water Competence Export – via FWCC project booster – check time in Doodle and join!

Project booster as service released by “Call: Water Competence Export” reply to our Doodle

Interested? Please reply to https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/avQgJPne (Teams + SYKE Viikki Latokartanonkaari 11 – leave your email) or email us!

More information about the call in Finnish: Avustus Vesiosaamisen kasvu ja kansainvälistyminen -ohjelman hankkeille – ely – ELY-keskus. You are welcome to contact us in case you would like to hear more in English.

The Freshwater Competence Centre identifies many opportunities related to the EU water vision and research agenda (SRIA, Sept. 2022, updated regularly), education, technology and innovations and supports also Finnish Water Way  export strategy. As a funding call has been identified, a project booster starts to develop successful joint proposal. The FWCC organizes co-creation event, open for network partners, and a joint invent, only potential projects, to discuss about their better defined idea and integrate better proposals.

The following steps are taken:

1: Prepare: SRIA & identified funding (FWCC)

2: Co-create: pitches (open floor) event (FWCC partner)

3: Define: content (project managers)

4: Integrate: event (FWCC partner)

5: Submission (project manager)



Avustus Vesiosaamisen kasvu ja kansainvälistyminen -ohjelman hankkeille – ely – ELY-keskus

Vesiosaamisen rahoitusinfo – YouTube

Vesiosaamisen kasvu- ja kansainvälistymisohjelma – Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö (mmm.fi)



Jari Silander, TkT.


Suomen Ympäristökeskus (Syke) –

Tiedontuotannon laatu/Uudistuvat ympäristöseurannat -ryhmä

Tel. +358 295 251 638

Latokartanonkaari 11

FI-00790 Helsinki


Jari Silander (syke.fi) Skype: jsisyke

www.syke.fi | www.environment.fi