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FWCC Webinar – Remote sensing and the use of satellite observations for catchments, coasts and seas

27.03.2024 12:00 - 13:00

Remote sensing and the use of satellite observations provide spatially important information on the situation of catchments, coasts and seas.

Join the next FWCC webinar on 27 March at 12:00 on the topic of satellite observations and remote sensing in the catchment area of the Vantaanjoki River.

Speakers will be Mikko Kervinen and Kirsikka Heinilä from the Finnish Environment Institute.


12.00 – Welcome words

12:10 -Mikko Kervinen, Senior Coordinator (SYKE) Satellite observations for water quality in Vantaanjoki catchment and in Baltic Sea.

12.35 -Kirsikka Heinilä, Senior research scientist (SYKE) Snow and ice data from the Vantaanjoki catchment area, Europe and on a global scale


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