Research laptop on a floating measuring station in a river environment

Vantaanjokiday 28.10.2022 at. 8.30–12, Helsinki: “Science & New technology”

28.10.2022 08:30 - 12:00

Welcome to hear and discuss new projects and the application of measurement technologies in the Vantaanjoki catchment area!

What new research, measuring devices and activities are underway? Tell your stories or present your own products. In the afternoon, there is an opportunity to participate in a small water event.

Let’s network and get smarter!

Register by 12 October 2022 using the form (

See program here: Vantaanjoki Day program 28.10.2022

Event page online:

Place: Työpajankatu 8, Helsinki (Helsinki’s KYMP building auditorium)

The main language of the event is Finnish, and from 10 a.m. “Open floor” presentations are partly in English.

It would be great if you could further distribute the invitation to your own networks and e.g. within your organization’s intranet.


Freshwater Competence Centre, Helsingin kaupunki & Vantaanjoen ja Helsingin seudun vesiensuojeluyhdistys ry

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!


Freshwater competrence centre logo 

Jari Silander, erikoistutkija

Suomen ympäristökeskus SYKE

  1. 0295 251 638

Vantaanjoki research and restoration

Improving the water quality and ecosystems of the Vantaanjoki River is an important issue for many water lovers and locals.

1) What could we do together even better?

2) What new measurement technologies could we use to produce new information?

3) What studies will be carried out in Vantaanjoki in 2023 and what would you like to be done?

4) Who is renovating what and where?

Vantaanjoki has also been selected as a Freshwater Competence Center (FWCC) national infrastructure research area alongside Oulanka and Tenojoki. The goal is to rehabilitate the water body and monitor the water quality. In addition, we model the effects of the measures and invest in new technology in the region.